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Thanks for your interest in WE STILL TEACH!

We are looking for educational video content submissions suitable for families and students of all ages.

Please read on for details. 

We couldn't do this without you!

WE STILL TEACH is made possible through the volunteer efforts of teachers and community members providing content that is visual, fun, educational, diverse, and reflective of Chicago and its kids. 



  • TEACHERS: Create a 2- to 10-minute video lesson in any subject for grades K-12 (Reading, Writing, STEM, Art, Foreign Languages--especially Spanish, ASL, Social Studies, History, etc. ) 

  • COMMUNITY: Create a 1- to 7-min video exploring a topic aimed at grades K-12  (Videos in Foreign Languages welcome--especially Spanish!) 

  • Provide educational and/or cultural content--we love unique perspectives.

  • We are always looking for anti-racist, anti-bias & social justice content.

  • Content from organizations will be paired with a contextual teacher intro.


  • Submissions MUST not promote an organization or brand. No logos, please! 

  • Any music MUST be royalty-free--from a site like or written/created by you.

  • You MUST sign a non-exclusive Participation Agreement permitting WE STILL TEACH, Fox 32 & CTU to air your content.




  • START strong with a hook to engage your audience.

  • Make it personal--show your PASSION for your topic!

  • Content should be VISUAL--a demo, performance, or project. Something FUN to watch!

  • We love PROJECTS students and families can do together at home--ideally with items found in most households. Be sure activities are COVID-safe.

  • END with an assignment for viewers--how can they continue  learning on their own? 

  • For inspiration & tips, VIEW our Season 1 Archives, Tech Tips & Content Guide


Questions? Reach out anytime.  


WE STILL TEACH Season 2 airs Saturdays at 11am on FOX32/WPWR MY50.

11am       Grades K-3

11:30am   Grades 4-12

Quote Mark

Diving into production as a family for the
WE STILL TEACH series was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate to our children how you can lead by serving others.

Vince Singleton
Father & Producer, Aiden & Sophia's Super Science Segments

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© Copyright 2021 WE STILL TEACH

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